What We Do

Inspired by the African proverb “the times are urgent, let us slow down”, our practice is designed to understand our landscape as fully as possible and counter linear thought patterns of solutionism. Slowmentum is designed to address root causes, not just symptoms; questioning the relentless pursuit of "more" by reconnecting communities and challenging extractive economic narratives.

We draw inspiration from Allan Kaplan & Sue Davidoff’s Delicate Activism which recognises the importance of reflexivity and the interconnectedness of systems; advocating for transformative changes that lead to significant long-term impacts. In this way, our practices move beyond merely “minimising harm” and champion regeneration to revitalise our ecological and social systems, promoting enduring well-being and prosperity for all.

New Governance and Partnership Structures

We are working on the development of Public-Common Partnerships (PCPs) as a shared model of place-based governance. Supporting the Bristol Commons movement and the Bath Arts Depot - BAD

Disruptive Ideas

We are supporting the private sector to explore Carbon Insetting as a systemically powerful alternative to Carbon Offsetting in the built environment.

a group of people sitting around a table with a boarder and a man in
a group of people sitting around a table with a boarder and a man in
grayscale photo of person's hands
grayscale photo of person's hands
Systems Thinking & Doing

We are writing provocations and blogs about different ways of doing things, contributing to conferences and events, as well as planning our own.

Strategy and Policy Research

We are exploring ways in which regenerative principles can be incorporated into policy and strategy, for example, by considering how Local Authority Economic Development and Net Zero strategies can best be coupled.

Future Pathways

We are using tools, such as Bill Sharpe’s 3-Horizons Framework to help partners consider how they can reach a better future state. We are also at an early stage of considering how regenerative principles can be applied to the exponential growth of digital technologies.

Dream signage surrounded sequins
Dream signage surrounded sequins
Imagination Infrastructure

From local food systems to universal basic income, we are interested in helping to imagine and create new infrastructures by; systems mapping; values-shifting; removing market dependencies; decolonialising power structures and pervasive precariousness.