Get to know us

Slowmentum is dedicated to forging collaborative partnerships aimed at implementing regenerative principles and strategies. We connect internationally and adopt place-based approaches rooted in Bristol and Bath - the cities that hold our deepest connections.

Our mission

Through innovative initiatives and partnerships, we advocate for an inclusive, regenerative economy that benefits all. Our guiding principles blend short-term action with long-term vision:

  • Re-ecologise systems: Restore balance between humanity and nature.

  • Interconnectivity through slowness: Foster deeper relationships in a fast-paced world.

  • Fairness and justice: Shift power dynamics for a more equitable future.

Our vision

Is our urgent response to global challenges actually fuelling the crisis itself? In response to the powerful question Bayo Akomolafe poses, Slowmentum offers a different path. We envision an economic landscape where social equity and environmental stewardship take precedence over rapid growth. Our goal is to inspire a ‘thoughtful economics' that emphasises meaning, joy, and collaborative community efforts.

Planetary Repairs and Educational Revolution - Essential decolonisation work of the PRALER Network

Our team

With decades of expertise in sustainable city leadership, a deep commitment to community activism, robust theoretical foundations, and innovative perspectives, Slowmentum works in the nexus between local authorities, businesses, universities, and communities.

James Martin he/him/his

Co-Instigator Bio

Stephen Hilton he/him/his

Co-Instigator. Bio

Isa Duarte she/her/hers

Designer Bio